underlying imbalances

Our novel application of physics is designed to produce drugs that correct foundational neuronal imbalances that contribute to the progressive nature of many of the neurodegenerative disorders we intend to treat. Below are the fundamental processes our technology addresses:
Mitochondrial dysfunction
Neuronal cell death

Because these imbalances contribute to many different diseases, we believe our technology will have clinical application beyond neurological disorders.

of our approach

Our drugs are designed to address cellular imbalances linked to mitochondrial dysfunction and inflammation, which contribute to neurodegenerative disorders and conditions at a foundational level.
Potential benefits of our lead current drug candidate, RNS60, include:
  • A return to neurocellular homeostasis
  • Neuroprotection
  • Slowing of neurodegenerative disease progression
  • Enhanced recovery from acute neuronal injury
  • Excellent safety

our lead drug, RNS60,
has promising results

Our technology platform applies physics to create a new class of drug candidates with the potential to treat a range of chronic and acute neurological disorders. The technology uses novel fluid dynamics, based on Taylor-Couette-Poiseuille (TCP) flow, to generate bioactive therapeutics.

Our lead drug candidate, RNS60, uniquely combines saline and oxygen to produce a drug that has been the subject of over a dozen peer-reviewed scientific publications. RNS60 is a promising therapeutic candidate with demonstrated efficacy from two Phase 2 clinical trials in stroke and ALS and in multiple preclinical models.